SEEDGov Delegate Thread

Delegate Thread

Name: @SEEDGov

Delegate Profile: scroll.seedgov.eth on Agora



Scroll is one of the most prominent ZK-rollup protocols, representing a significant technological advancement for Ethereum scalability. SEEDGov shares Scroll’s vision and our approach to governance is always long-term, aimed at supporting the protocol’s success, with the DAO serving as a key enabler alongside stakeholders.

After immersing ourselves in Scroll since its inception with Spanish documentation translations, which enabled us to focus on our passion, we extensively researched all available Rollups at the time. This effort led to the creation of a documentation library, and through our exploration, ZK rollups emerged as our true passion. The past couple of years have been filled with space exploration, workshops, guides, content creation, events, and contributions to the ecosystem. We believe it’s crucial to promote Scroll’s complex ecosystem to foster collective growth and fully demonstrate its potential.

SEED Org - Layer 2 Explorations

What is SEEDGov?

SEEDGov is a dynamic and evolving vertical within the SEED Org Ecosystem, focused on shaping the future of decentralized governance in Web3 through active participation, community engagement, and experimentation. Our approach emphasizes minimizing governance where appropriate and professionalizing it where necessary.

As an active delegate platform, SEEDGov engages in governance across multiple projects. With roots in community values, we’ve evolved from education-based initiatives to a participatory approach that drives collaboration, coordination, and decision-making in the ever-changing Web3 landscape.

Our work embraces various protocols, from AMMs to Layer 2, where we design and implement governance infrastructures, manage grants and allocation programs, oversee incentives, and onboard the right builders to meet each protocol’s needs. Seed’s diverse and multidisciplinary team brings the right flexibility and adaptability to strengthen the resilience of Scroll DAO.

Learn more about our work in other protocols: Here

Scroll<> SEEDGov

We strongly believe that Scroll’s mission and vision are in harmony with SEEDGov’s values. Additionally, our organization has been engaged with Scroll from its early stages, actively collaborating with its core team and community. Building on our previous experience, we are committed to making a significant impact within the DAO through the following focus areas:

  • Governance Innovation: New protocols with novel technology are the perfect sandbox for experimenting with new ways of decentralization and innovation in governance infrastructure and off-chain decision-making mechanisms to avoid polarization and zero-sum engagements. Designs must be thought of in terms of a mission, vision, and its scope, and are intrinsically bound to the concepts of effectiveness and efficiency, but finding a good balance involves some important trade-offs in terms of centralization vs. decentralization.
  • Decentralization: As the ecosystem continues to mature and be driven by its community, we will collaborate in the creation, iteration, and improvement of governance processes to ensure the gradual decentralization of the infrastructure aiming that the system remains secure.
  • Community Led Growth & Sustainability: We will promote and support all initiatives that enable the growth, adoption, scalability and innovation for the Scroll ecosystem. Our focus will be placed on ensuring that all growth initiatives are reliable, secure, and sustainable over time.
  • Security: We will always make sure that no DAO decisions will jeopardize the security of the protocol and thus harm users.
  • Ethos and Support: We will actively contribute to the governance of the protocol and its ecosystem worldwide, looking forward to working with other interested delegates to promote the Scroll mission and encourage others to actively participate in DAO governance.

Our initiatives with Scroll

Scroll Articles (Spanish)

One of SEED Org’s verticals was to focus on researching scaling solutions, with an exclusive focus on technical aspects. We have shared several guides, research, and translations covering Layer 2 solutions, from optimistic rollups to zk rollups and validiums.

In the early days of Scroll, we took on the task of explaining the behind-the-scenes technology in order to bring this knowledge to the Spanish-speaking world.

Online Spanish Scroll Workshops

Scroll Official documentation Translation

After carrying out multiple initiatives (the ones mentioned above), we decided to go one step further by translating all the Scroll documentation so far into Spanish. After a few weeks of review by the Scroll team, it was added to the official website.

Conflict of Interest

SEEDGov operates globally with multiple team members actively involved in governance systems such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Uniswap, and Gnosis, among others. It is worth clarifying that our team members are specifically aligned with the protocol in which they contribute.

Should any conflict of interest arise, it will be transparently communicated in this thread.


Hi SEED, glad to see you here

Big alignment on this. If we’re successful in doing this for DAOs that will be our big positive externality on the world.

Enjoyed The mindset behind Scroll
y se me presentó la oportunidad de practicar mi español :slight_smile:


Hi! We’ll be using this thread to share our voting rationales.

Research to inform a builder support strategy

Vote: For


Based on our experience with similar experiments, we’ll be supporting this proposal as it will hopefully provide valuable insights in order to start building specific initiatives towards Scroll’s expansion and help to outline the framework to foster a committed community of builders. The approach towards the research sounds methodical and consistent as well as the proposed timelines. Budget-wise, it’ll be naturally tied to the quality of the deliverables, but as for now it sounds reasonable given the teams track record. Also we’d like to point out that all community and delegate queries were properly addressed, providing a rather strong consensus on the approval.


DAO Scroll Constitution

Vote: For

Rationale: As verified delegates, we support the first version of Scroll DAO Constitution. We think that it is the correct first step to give a well-defined framework to the DAO, its voting cycles, and activities. Besides bringing clarity to those who want to take a first glance at how and why this DAO is here, it serves to those who are already here as a reminder of those initial motivations. As we mentioned before, all the feedback was well incorporated and given that it’s a living document that will evolve over time, we will be happy to contribute to keep pushing it further.