Proposal Title: DAO DeFi Grant Program
This proposal is for the first DAO grant program focused on DeFi. This proposal is a culmination of a few months of conversations and most recently building off of this co-design document.
Huge thanks to everyone who has helped shape this proposal - @Areta, @mexi, @ACI, @Luiscede, @Sinkas, @kaereste, @Pagoda, @ZER8, @gov.borderless.eth, @SEEDGov, @HumbertoBesso and everyone else who partook in the discussions or gave feedback on the docs
Proposal Type: Growth
This proposal puts forth a grant program focused on growing the number of builders working on DeFi applications on Scroll.
Focus: DeFi (with a particular focus on payments and stablecoins)
Desired outcomes: the growth of builders working on DeFi applications built on Scroll, particularly those who have some kind of proof of concept and are looking to for funding for developing an MVP
Budget: 3,527,742.24 SCR ($2,206,250 USD value as of Feb 29, see this sheet for more details). There will be an assessment of the budget prior to fund issuance to address potential fluctuations in prices.
Review and funding decisions will be made by the DAO while operations will be managed by the Foundation. If this proposal passes, there will need to be elections for a Review Committee as outlined below,
Why you are submitting the proposal
I’m submitting this proposal after many discussions with delegates. Given the co-design process and that the Foundation will be playing an operational role, I am submitting this proposal.
There are no conflicts of interest from the perspective of the Foundation running operations. If this proposal passes, Review Committee applicants will have to clarify any potential conflicts on their end.
This would be the first funding program from the DAO aimed at directly supporting Ecosystem Growth. Delegates should support this proposal as it aligns with the interest of the DAO and ecosystem overall, as discussed throughout the Co-Creation Cycle and subsequent design.
In the first iteration, this will be a prospective granting program (aka issuing grants for work to be done) with a Review Committee structure to assess the applications and make funding decisions.
There will be two funding tiers:
- Tier 1 is for builders with early stage PoC’s who want to build a proper MVP on Scroll.
- This track is for grants under $15k
- Tier 2 is for those who have a more advanced stage project (already have an MVP or beyond) and want to reach more users and build a more refined product.
- This track is for grants between $15k-$75k
The grant program will have a 6 month budget to start, with equal portions of the budget distributed each quarter. Any budget unused in one quarter rolls over to the next quarter. Any remaining of the budget at the end of the year remains in the DAO treasury.
Grant Process
Marketing will be supported by the Scroll communication team, local nodes, and requests to delegates to amplify on socials.
Review Stages
The review will take place on a rolling basis, with a clear deadline. It will be at the discretion of the Review Committee as to whether they want to do some reviews as applications are coming in, or if they want to do all of the review once the application window has closed and before the review window concludes.
- Initial screen will happen automatically as grants are submitted
A basic check for completeness of the application
This process will be completed automatically via CharmVerse (ensuring all relevant information is shared)
- Review Committee assessment will be two fold:
First, they will ensure that projects fit into the scope of the program requirements
Second, they will assess the quality of the applications and whether or not they would recommend funding the application
If necessary, the reviewers will be able to follow up with grantees to clarify information or adjust milestones as appropriate via CharmVerse.
Once the deadline has arrived and all grants are reviewed, the review phase will officially conclude and the funding decision phase will commence.
Funding Decision
At the funding decision stage, the Review Committee will meet and will review grants and budget.
If there is enough budget to fund all favored projects, those projects shall proceed to the next stage of notifying grantees and conducting KYC/KYB
- If there is any budget remaining at the end of the first cycle, funds shall roll over to the second cycle. If there are funds left after both cycles, funds will be returned to the DAO treasury
If there is not enough funds to award grants to all favored projects, then the review committee shall proceed as follows:
Review the unanimous favorites and see if there is enough budget to fund those projects. If yes, fund. If no, review budget adjustments and reach out to grantees to notify them (the Foundation team can support the outreach)
If there is budget left over after funding the unanimously favored projects, then the committee shall review contested grants (grants where at least one of the reviewers thought the application should be rejected) to see which of those projects to fund.
Once the decisions are made on all outstanding applications, then the grant ops manager will send notifications to all grantees of the decisions.
For those whose grants were approved, they will receive a link to complete KYC/KYB. If there are any issues raised as part of the KYC/KYB, then grants will not proceed. There can be appeal in case the issues were raised in error.
For those who clear KYC/KYB, they will proceed to the contract stage.
Once KYC/KYB is cleared, then a contract will be issued and it will need to be signed by the grantee and someone from the Foundation. Once the contract is signed, then they will proceed to the fund issuance stage (if there is an upfront grant portion), otherwise the grantee will progress to Ecosystem onboarding and will be paid via the multisig upon completing the appropriate milestones.
Fund Issuance
The Foundation governance and/or ops team to transfer funds from the DAO DeFi Grant multi-sig. This will happen upon the agreed upon milestones.
Ecosystem Onboarding / Continuous Support
Grantees who receive a grant within a single season (quarter) will all be part of one cohort.
These cohorts will have:
Recurring calls every other week to provide project updates and asks, to hear about what kind of support might be needed in the group, and to generally explore how to best ensure the grantee success
Continuous non-financial support that may entail marketing support, legal support, business development support, tokenomics support, etc.
Connections to the relevant local node programs, as appropriate
The non-financial support will be developed by the Foundation team with input from the DAO as this program is in process.
Milestone Evaluation
Grantees will be expected to provide updates in GAP when milestones have been completed. Upon a check from the Foundation and/or Review Committee team, milestones will be issued.
The application will be based in the Scroll CharmVerse, and all reviews will take place in CharmVerse.
Grantees will be required to provide updates via the Karma GAP tool.
The Foundation shall also manage a BigQuery instance to make the grant data more readily available. The grant programs shall conform with DAOIP-5 as well.
Once this proposal is endorsed as required, it shall go up for vote in the voting cycle of the first of the month. If approved, that shall happen by the 10th of the month. At that point two things will happen:
Funds will be sent to a separate multi-sig for easier tracking (this multi-sig will be managed by the Foundation unless there is interest from the Review Committee to support that function)
The voting process for the Review Committee will commence.
The voting process will begin no more than 3 days after the vote (ideally will happen on the same day as approved by the DAO). The voting process will entail:
A 7 day period during which people will be able to submit their applications for being part of the review committee. These shall be submitted on the forum.
That will be followed by a 2 day period during which people will be able to review the applications. There may be one or two community calls or twitter spaces or similar style activities to help highlight applicants.
From there, a 5 day voting period will follow to select the 7 person review committee. Voting shall take place
Let’s say this proposal is ready for the Mar 1 voting cycle
Mar 1 - 3 day vote delay begins, followed by 7 day voting
Mar 10 - voting concludes
Mar 11 - reviewer application submission
Mar 18 - reviewer application submission concludes, review period starts
Mar 20 - review period concludes, voting starts
Mar 25 - voting ends
Mar 26 - review committee announced
Apr 5 - rubric and application review concludes
Apr 7 - applications go live for cycle 1
May 9 - application period closes
May 30 - review period ends
Jun 2 - grantees notified
Jun 9 - KYC/KYB completed, move on to contract stage
Jun 16 - contracts signed and grantees announced
Jun 30 - initial quick assessment of the program is conducted and adjustments are made * before starting v2
July 7 - cycle 2 begins
Aug 8 - cycle 2 applications close
Aug 29 - review period closes
Sep 1 - grantees notified (might be Sep 2 with holiday in the States)
Sep 8 - KYC/KYB completed, move on to contract stage
Sep 15 - contracts signed and grantees announced
Sep 29 - quick assessment of cycle 2 completed
Personnel & Resources
This proposal will mainly rely on two groups:
The Review Committee, to be elected by the DAO upon approval of this proposal, and
The Foundation’s governance team, that will manage all operational, financial, and legal aspects of the process
The overall roles and responsibilities will be as follows:
Program manager - leading design and overseeing execution of the grant process [Foundation]
Grant ops - Shepard people through the process, follow ups, confirm milestones, etc. [Foundation]
Marketing - sharing the grant program to make sure that we have a high-quality pipeline of applicants [Foundation, referral program]
Reviewers - supporting the review of project applications (and down the line, evaluation) [Review Committee]
Final decision maker(s) - making the ultimate funding decision [Review Committee]
Legal ops - kyc/kyb coordination [Foundation]
Financial ops - fund distribution [Foundation]
Ecosystem onboarding - bringing folks into the ecosystem, onboarding, connecting with other grantees [Foundation]
Review Committee
We will recruit a team of at least 7 people to act as compensated reviewers.
The Review Committee will apply via a thread in the forum.
The Foundation team will populate a voting tool with the candidates who apply during the application window.
A vote will take place to select the committee.
To be clear, not all 7 reviewers will be asked to review all proposals.
- The review committee would ideally have 4 delegates and 3 external reviewers, though this is not a requirement.
For grants under $15k, there will need to be 3 reviewers for each grant. The approval threshold for a grant will be 2/3 reviewers.
For grants between $15k-$75k, there will need to be 5 reviewers for each grant. The approval threshold will be 3/5 reviewers.
In addition to the 7 formal review committee members, there will be at least 1 non-voting member from Foundation and/or Labs to provide input that the review committee members can choose to factor in as appropriate.
Referral Program
Once the grant program commences, there will be a referral program available to maximize the number of applications of quality builders.
In the first 6 months, this program will only be available to verified delegates. Review Committee members will not be eligible for the referral program to avoid conflicts of interest.
Applicants will be able to list a verified delegate who referred (the referrer) them to apply. If that applicant’s grant is approved and clears KYC/KYB, then the referrer will be paid out 1% of the approved grant size.
You can find the below in spreadsheet form here. The total requested budget for this is 3,527,742.24 SCR based on prices as of February 20.
One thing to note - this budget assumes we have 200 applications to review. As such, there is a chance that we will have less applications and not all of this budget will be used. Any unused funds will be returned to the DAO.
The amount of time listed for each project is meant to capture:
- Time to review the application
- Time for feedback and interacting with the grantee as needed
- Time for milestone / budget assessment
There will be small scale retrospectives of the program itself performed on a quarterly basis, assessing the general progress and the clear need for adjustments.
There will be a more thorough evaluation of the program upon the conclusion of the first six months. The evaluation will entail elements such as:
Reviewing the GAP data
Gathering a dashboard highlighting usage metrics across all funded projects
Additionally, there may be further evaluation efforts commissioned by the DAO and/or Foundation.
The Review Committee and Foundation team will be tasked with providing feedback on the program and the Foundation team will lead with providing a public retrospective.
This proposal outlines the first potential DAO grant program. It will have a specific focus on DeFi projects getting built on Scroll, particularly targeting those looking to build their first MVP (if they have a proof of concept) or advancing from their first MVP.
The funding decisions of this program would be made by the Review Committee, which would be elected by the delegates following approval of this proposal.
Please let me know if any potential improvements or clarifications are needed.