The Role of Deliberation at Scroll DAO


Getting a post together following today’s discussion. You can watch the recording from call #14 on deliberation if you missed it. Antoine spoke about what delegation is and provided examples in web3 and beyond.

Context: we’re exploring the idea of doing a focused deliberative exercise to refine strategy for the DAO. You can check this proposal co-design doc for strategic deliberation.

A few folks brought up that they would want to be able to read more / learn more about deliberation, so using this post for two purposes:

  1. To share resources relating to deliberation
  2. To have a public discussion space on the pros and cons of doing deliberation at Scroll DAO (both generally and in terms of stategy refinement specifically).


Antoine brought up two web3 instances:

  • Atom from the start of this year (2024)
  • Optimism from June 2024

Antoine also mentioned a citizen assembly in the state of Oregon. Not sure if this is the exact one he was referencing, but this is an example of the use of a citizen assembly from summer 2020 about COVID response.

Matt also shared this article in Nature on the use of fair algorithms for citizen assemblies.

More Resources from Antoine


Basic Wikipedia articles which are ok but not of super high quality:

Database of citizens participation / deliberation: This database is quite complete and shows the diversity of what has been done, can be done:

Here is the network of practitioners worldwide working on the approach:


I like the publication from the European Commission which is a good summary although tailored to their view of the world and competences:

The OECD guidelines are also interesting:


For more advanced research and documentation, I recommend this book: (I have an epub copy if needed).

This book is more recent and covers Citizens’ Assemblies: De Gruyter Handbook of Citizens’ Assemblies

In Web3

First pilot in the cosmos ecosystem: [Report] Cosmos Citizens’ Assembly - Pilot - Intermediary report - ATOM Economic Zone - Cosmos Hub Forum

Pilot in the Optimism ecosystem:

I have tried to publish a couple of things too: Antoine Vergne

Next steps

I will keep adding resources to this post as they are shared.

On Wed Dec 4 at 1p UTC-5. we will have another discussion on deliberation and I will provide an update following that discussion.

Thanks to Antoine for sharing all of the resources in the post


Here is another article that recently came from OP that includes incentives for partaking in deliberation


Thanks for the post Eugene. Feel free to ping me for more questions, I will also try to add more and more resources as they come.