Growing Scroll's Founder Ecosystem

The Scroll growth team has launched Scroll Open and Scroll Campus - an opportunity for devs to:

  1. Build soft skills needed to launch dapps, find users, and get funding
  2. Fly to Malaysia and work directly with like-minded builders and the Scroll team

As step one, we’ve announced Scroll Open - a 6 week hackathon

Read more about it

How do we get more people aware of this and apply? Our devrel team is also prepared to give workshops on what Scroll is working on - zkVMs, intro to ZK, L1SLOAD. Would be good to figure out what communities we can be more present in and get help promoting


cool to see this. Scanning, it’s not clear to me whether the teams need to cover their own expenses to participate (flight to Malaysia) or how that will work.

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Good question!

The Scroll campus program is still being defined right now, but you can expect expenses and travel to be covered!


This is a great initiative. For existing projects, are you saying that existing projects older than 2 months are not eligible?

Can existing projects be submitted to Scroll Open?
  No! We’re welcoming all new or early stage projects (around for ≤ 2 months).

Can be evaluated on a case by case basis. Caveats are

  1. Code needs to be public
  2. We will be judging solely on work done during the hackathon (meaning we expect to see consistent commits over the 6 weeks)
  3. Preference will be given to Scroll native projects

Let me update FAQ

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Shared it already with some friends. Great initiative. The combination of monetary and non-monetary support is key to making a hackathon project go beyond the event and actually deliver real world value.

One thing to note is that there’s not that diversity in the judges. All of them are men. And they are all from DeFi-related fields.

Would be great for future iterations to have judges from all the fields that Scroll is willing to cover (Payments, Retail, Community, Privacy and censorship resistance, Governance) and that there’s a balance in gender.


Good point on the fields!
I actually haven’t put up all the judges yet (including myself, a lady lol), but diversity in field is important!


Thanks for sharing @emjlin, would be cool if there’s some ecosystem news in the forum from time to time.